Group Therapy

Admission for the groups below is currently ongoing. Please reach out to  learn more about how you can join. 

Mindfulness Meditation Group: This structured mindfulness meditation training  entails 5 to 8  90-minute sessions meant for those who are interested in learning about and beginning or enhancing mindfulness in their lives. These sessions will provide an introduction to the core components of mindfulness-based meditation practices and as support in developing a mindfulness practice on your own. Admission to Group is on-going. Please inquire for details regarding day/time.

Mindfulness and Motherhood GroupThis group is an invitation to discover a way of mothering in the present moment that helps us see our children and ourselves with greater awareness and self-compassion.  Practicing mindfulness as a parent offers a wise path that leads to deep connection and empathy during fast-paced, accelerating times when many of us seek more balance and wholeness in our lives and relationships. Group topics include: Mindfulness exercises to foster a daily practice of present-moment attention to the emotional, intuitive and deeply personal experience of parenting; Handling challenging moments with grace and patience; Refocusing on big-picture values; Practicing self-compassion consistently.   

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Reach Out

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