
Four Paths to Self-Compassion

It’s fair to say that it has become part of our collective understanding that it is much easier to feel compassion for others as opposed to ourselves. When friends, family or clients express to me that they are feeling low, unworthy or worried about the future I want so badly for them to understand how natural it is and that...[ read more ]

My Relationship with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Learning How to Drop the Rope

​Many years ago I initiated a relationship that has since developed into a deep, committed love. I’m not describing a relationship with any human, or even an animal. In fact, I’m referring to my relationship with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I realize this probably sounds weird. I first heard about ACT in grad school. Rigorously trained in CBT, ACT was...[ read more ]

Mindfulness Means Letting Go

​Mindfulness Means Letting Go Whenever I ask clients whether they’ve tried practicing mindfulness before, the response is often the same. I’m met with a look that is part frustration, part guilt. As if I’ve asked them if they’re eating enough green vegetables. Typically, they’ve given it a shot at some point (or maybe have thought about giving it a shot)...[ read more ]

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

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